I want to change the color of the vertical axes values like in this chart col.axis=4
par(bg = 1, fg = 2, col.axis=4)
plot(rnorm(10),t="b", col=8)
But I can't do the same with the chart_Series()
function from quantmod
As can be seen from the figure, only the horizontal axis changed color, but not the vertical axis.
p1 <- rnorm(8000) |> cumsum() |> xts(Sys.time()+1:8000) |> to.minutes(name = NULL) |> round(0)+100
par(bg = 1, fg = 2, col.axis=4)
th <- chart_theme()
th$col$dn.col <- "darkred"
th$col$up.col <- "darkgreen"
chart_Series(p1, theme = th)
The parameter th$col$labels
should do this, but the color is too hard-coded inside quantmod::chart_Series
, so you have to alter the function. Use
my_chart_Series <- fix("chart_Series")
This opens an editor in which you can alter the line (around line 83)
cs$Env$theme$labels <- "#333333"
to the following one:
cs$Env$theme$labels <- theme$col$labels
After doing this, set the function into the correct namespace:
environment(my_chart_Series) <- asNamespace("quantmod")
Finally, convert your desired col.axis = 4
into HEX:
rgb2hex <- function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], maxColorValue = 255)
> rgb2hex(col2rgb(4))
[1] "#2297E6"
and define
th$col$labels <- "#2297E6"
Your new function will then yield the desired output:
my_chart_Series(p1, theme = th)