In a Stata program, I'm trying to get a variable name, modify it using regexr(oldvarname, "some_regex", "replacement")
, store it in a new local local newvarname
, and use that modified variable name in a replace othervar = 1 if `newvarname' == 1
statement. Below is a minimal example of what I would like to achieve.
program define testprog
syntax varlist
foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
local bin_check regexm("`var'", "bin(bot|mid|top)$")
if `bin_check' {
local varfreq regexr("`var'", "bin(bot|mid|top)$", "freq")
else {
local varfreq `var'freq
gen `var'_wk = .
replace `var'_wk = 1 if `varfreq' == 1
gen joboffers_earn = 0
gen joboffers_earnbinbot = 0
gen joboffers_earnfreq = 1
testprog joboffers_earn joboffers_earnbinbot
In this example, varfreq
is interpreted correctly for the first variable (which involves appending "freq" to the end of the variable), but not the second variable (which involves a slightly more complex replacing of substrings in the variable name).
In short, how do I get Stata to evaluate the result of regexr()
as a variable name instead of a string?
The problem lied in the macro assignment: for the expression to be evaluated, it has to be assigned using the =
operator. Without it, the content of the macro is stored as a literal string.
Thus, local varfreq regexr("`var'", "bin(bot|mid|top)$", "freq")
needs to be changed to local varfreq = regexr("`var'", "bin(bot|mid|top)$", "freq")
The fully working code becomes:
program define testprog
syntax varlist
foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
local bin_check regexm("`var'", "bin(bot|mid|top)$")
if `bin_check' {
local varfreq = regexr("`var'", "bin(bot|mid|top)$", "freq")
else {
local varfreq `var'freq
gen `var'_wk = .
replace `var'_wk = 1 if `varfreq' == 1
gen joboffers_earn = 0
gen joboffers_earnbinbot = 0
gen joboffers_earnfreq = 1
testprog joboffers_earn joboffers_earnbinbot
H/T to Clyde for his answer on Statalist.