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Identifying invalid dates in Oracle database due to daylight saving time changes

Suppose I have a database column that stores data in date format. All records currently stored in this table are dates whose time is set to 00:00 AM.

The America/São Paulo region eventually enters daylight saving time. When this happens, the clock is set forward by one hour. The first valid hour of the day that begins daylight saving time is 1:00 AM (that is, there is no 0:00 AM). For example, the date 10/15/2017 0:00 AM is considered invalid due to the implementation of daylight saving time that year (the first valid time is 10/15/2017 1:00 AM).

How to implement a SELECT...WHERE query to identify dates considered invalid due to the start of daylight saving time in the America/São Paulo region?


  • You can look it up

    Year DST End (Clock Backward) DST Start (Clock Forward)
    2010 Sunday, 21 February, 00:00 Sunday, 17 October, 00:00
    2011 Sunday, 20 February, 00:00 Sunday, 16 October, 00:00
    2012 Sunday, 26 February, 00:00 Sunday, 21 October, 00:00
    2013 Sunday, 17 February, 00:00 Sunday, 20 October, 00:00
    2014 Sunday, 16 February, 00:00 Sunday, 19 October, 00:00
    2015 Sunday, 22 February, 00:00 Sunday, 18 October, 00:00
    2016 Sunday, 21 February, 00:00 Sunday, 16 October, 00:00
    2017 Sunday, 19 February, 00:00 Sunday, 15 October, 00:00
    2018 Sunday, 18 February, 00:00 Sunday, 4 November, 00:00
    2019 Sunday, 17 February, 00:00 No DST Start

    If you want a query then you can generate a list of days and find those where the difference in the hours between the day and the next day is more than 24 hours:

    WITH bounds (start_dt, end_dt) AS (
      SELECT DATE '2010-01-01',
      FROM   DUAL
    days (dt, ts) AS (
      SELECT start_dt + (LEVEL - 1),
             FROM_TZ(CAST(start_dt AS TIMESTAMP), 'America/Sao_Paulo')
               + INTERVAL '1' DAY * (LEVEL - 1)
      FROM   bounds
             start_dt + (LEVEL - 1) <= end_dt
    diff (dt, ts, diff) AS (
      SELECT dt,
             LEAD(CAST(ts AS DATE)) OVER (ORDER BY ts) - CAST(ts AS DATE)
      FROM   days
    SELECT dt
    FROM   diff
    WHERE  diff > 1

    Which outputs:

    2010-10-17 00:00:00
    2011-10-16 00:00:00
    2012-10-21 00:00:00
    2013-10-20 00:00:00
    2014-10-19 00:00:00
    2015-10-18 00:00:00
    2016-10-16 00:00:00
    2017-10-15 00:00:00
    2018-11-04 00:00:00
