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How do I add Aosp-Node-Prebuilts to the Orange Pi 4 LTS Android 8.1 build?

Following the instructions in the Aosp-Node-Prebuilts README, I cloned the repository in the external directory of the Orange Pi 4 LTS RK3399-Android8.1 tree (which I have successfully built), and successfully ran make arm64. But because I build using the included in the Orange Pi 4 LTS Android sources, my shell is not "initialised with the buildenv and lunch combo".

The README states:

If you want the to be executed automatically, add it as a dependency of another project.

How do I add Aosp-Node-Prebuilts as a dependency of another project?

I tried adding "Aosp-Node-Prebuilts" to PRODUCT_PACKAGES in build/make/target/product/, but that didn't work.

I tried searching for how other packages in the external directory with files are added as a dependency, but didn't find anything. (I searched for strace and tcpdump--both of which I confirmed are in /system/xbin on the target.)


  • I did the equivalent of "adding Aosp-Node-Prebuilts as a dependency of another project" by adding node to PRODUCT_PACKAGES in build/make/target/product/

        node \
        20-dns.conf \

    I believe the package name is "node" because LOCAL_MODULE is set to node in the Aosp-Node-Prebuilts file. I confirmed this worked by adding this to


    ...and I confirmed this was echoed when I ran the build:

    Aosp-Node-Prebuilts LOCAL_SRC_FILES: target/node

    I also confirmed that target/node in the external/Aosp-Node-Prebuilts directory was copied to out/target/product/rk3399/system/bin. And I mounted the system.img on Linux and confirmed it is in /system/bin.