This is my sample input data table:
entry_id entry_date company_id objective_title objective_status key objective_rank
1 2024-03-01 company_1 objective_1 Completed company_1_objective_1 1
2 2024-12-30 company_1 objective_1 In Progress company_1_objective_1 2
3 2024-01-02 company_2 objective_2 Not Started company_2_objective_2 1
4 2023-11-10 company_3 objective_3 Completed company_3_objective_3 1
As you can see, I've already created there a a calculated column for ranking with the following DAX formula:
objective_rank =
table_1[key] = EARLIER(table_1[key])
And this gave me the correct results when trying to see Count of Key per latest objective status for all dates (rank = 1):
objective_status count_key
Not Started 1
In Progress 0
Completed 2
Now I'd like to have a slicer that would allow the user to select specific date range (based on entry_date).
So, if the entry_date would be e.g. < 2023-12-31 then I'd like to see the following output:
objective_status count_key
Not Started 0
In Progress 1
Completed 1
because although objective_1 "In Progress" it's not the latest overall it is the latest for a given date range.
How to achieve that?
I have tried to use replies to similar issues on Microsoft Fabric Community but they didn't seem to work in my case.
I think your sample data is incorrect - I have changed the date on the second row to make your question make sense. To get a working solution, follow these steps:
Create a date table and relationship:
Create two measures:
objective_rank =
VAR x = SELECTEDVALUE(table_1[key])
VAR r =
RANKX( FILTER( ALLSELECTED(table_1), table_1[key] = x), CALCULATE( MIN( table_1[entry_date])), , DESC)
My Count = CALCULATE( COUNTROWS(table_1), FILTER(ALLSELECTED(table_1), [objective_rank] = 1), table_1[objective_status] = SELECTEDVALUE(table_1[objective_status]))+0
Add a slicer using your date table:
Add a count table:
Add a master table:
Results with nothing selected:
Results with 31st December 2023: