I am stuck on a join, and I think I am not using the right type of join.
I have table1:
ID | Time | Action |
1 | 1/1/23 08:00 | Rate Verify |
1 | 1/1/23 09:00 | Rate Verify |
1 | 1/1/23 12:00 | Rate Verify |
1 | 1/1/23 16:00 | Rate Change |
and table2:
ID | Time | Total Downloaded |
1 | 1/1/23 08:00 | 10 |
1 | 1/1/23 09:00 | 20 |
1 | 1/1/23 11:00 | 40 |
1 | 1/1/23 17:00 | 95 |
and want to join the tables like so:
ID | Time | Action | Total Downloaded |
1 | 1/1/23 08:00 | Rate Verify | 10 |
1 | 1/1/23 09:00 | Rate Verify | 20 |
1 | 1/1/23 11:00 | null | 40 |
1 | 1/1/23 12:00 | Rate Verify | null |
1 | 1/1/23 16:00 | Rate Change | null |
1 | 1/1/23 17:00 | null | 95 |
I have tried:
from table1
left join table2 on (table1.id=table2.id) and (table1.time=table2.time or table1.time is null or table2.time is null)
This however excludes times from table2 that do not exist in table1
Thank you in advance for your advice
I think you're looking for a FULL OUTER JOIN
with table1 as (
select *
from (values(1,'1/1/23 08:00','Rate Verify'),
(1,'1/1/23 09:00','Rate Verify'),
(1,'1/1/23 12:00','Rate Verify'),
(1,'1/1/23 16:00','Rate Change'))x(id,time,action)
), table2 as (
select *
from (values(1,'1/1/23 08:00',10),
(1,'1/1/23 09:00',20),
(1,'1/1/23 11:00',40),
(1,'1/1/23 17:00',9))x(id,time,total_download)
select coalesce(t1.id,t2.id) as id,
coalesce(t1.time,t2.time) as time,
from table1 t1
full outer join table2 t2
on t1.id = t2.id
and t1.time = t2.time
order by time;