I've just started a new neovim configuration based on kickstart.nvim.
When I'm working I often want to quickly switch out of insert mode to do something in normal mode in one fluid motion. However, when I press the Escape key there is about a half-second delay where I'm still in insert mode.
It kind of feels like neovim is waiting to see if I have other keystrokes to chain after that initial Escape. Is there a way to remove this delay and have Escape instantly register, or some other way to instantly switch from Insert to Normal mode?
The time span of switching out depends on a variable named ttimeoutlen
and the Wait time for a mapped sequence to complete depends on timeoutlen
. Both are global variables, To decrease the time of switching out from insert mode you can add these lines in your nvim config file,
vim.opt.ttimeoutlen = 50 --in milliseconds
:set ttimeoutlen=50 " in milliseconds
Consider seeing :h ttimeoutlen
& :h timeoutlen
Additionally, if you're using tmux then you can add this line in your .tmux.conf
set -g escape-time 0