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Basic Auth with Remote URL option

I am using Remote URL option which reaches out to remote web server to retrieve needed data. Simply using this, https://rundeck:[email protected] works. However, I would like to pass the password in secure way so...

  • Option 1 uses 'Secure pass input' and pass is retrieved from key storage, however the password is then not added to the remote URL in

  • Option 2, which uses Remote URL, https://rundeck:${option.password.value} My remote servers receives the password as ${option.password.value} and not the actual password value retrieved in Option 1. I understand that Secure Remote Authentication can't be used in Options, however i don't believe I have seen restrictions on what I want to do with Secure † Password input in Rundeck's docs.

Lastly, typing in the password in Secure † Password input option does add the password to the mentioned URL above. I have tested and verified that ${option.password.value} value can be passed in a job's step, that part works. However, it does not appear to work in cascading options.


  • Rundeck has addressed this issue by providing multiple options for Remote URL, see the docs.