I am using the htmx extension "response-targets" via "hx-ext" in a python django project.
The Problem
"hx-target-error" will not work when "hx-target" is also defined, but works when it is the only target.
htmx 1.9.10, response-targets 1.9.10, python 3.12, django 5.0.1
Example html:
<div hx-ext="response-targets">
hx-get={% ur "appname:endpoint" %}
Press Me!
I have tried with various other types of targets such as "next td", "next span", etc. All of them produce a valid target value "request.htmx.target" in the endpoint defined in views.py.
I have also tried various alternatives supported in response-targets such as "hx-target-*", "hx-target-404", etc with no change in results.
I verified that "response-targets" is installed correctly and being used correctly because when "hx-target" is removed from the "button", then "hx-target-error" works.
Error generation in views.ph
def endpoint(request)
return HttpResponseNotFound("Not found 404")
Bad Request: /testbed/endpoint/ - [27/Feb/2024] "GET /testbed/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 404
response-targets extension
Resolved: The solution is to move the "hx-ext" attribute <div hx-ext="response-targets">
to a higher encompassing level than any DOM elements referenced by either "hx-target" or "hx-target-error".
In my case, "hx-target-error" pointed to a div 'id' outside of the div containing "hx-ext".
Thank you @guigui42 for suggesting this solution
Example incorrect usage:
<div hx-ext="response-targets">
hx-get={% url "testbed:rebound" %}
hx-headers='{"custom": "{{ test.id }}"}'
hx-target-error="#GET-{{ test.id }}-fail"
hx-target="#GET-{{ test.id }}-ok"
class="btn btn-sm btn-primary testbed-btn"
GET {{ test.msg }}
<span id="GET-{{ test.id }}-ok" />
<span class="text-danger" id="GET-{{ test.id }}-fail" />
Example correct usage:
<tr hx-ext="response-targets">
hx-get={% url "testbed:rebound" %}
hx-headers='{"custom": "{{ test.id }}"}'
hx-target-error="#GET-{{ test.id }}-fail"
hx-target="#GET-{{ test.id }}-ok"
class="btn btn-sm btn-primary testbed-btn"
GET {{ test.msg }}
<span id="GET-{{ test.id }}-ok" />
<span class="text-danger" id="GET-{{ test.id }}-fail" />