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Text box content based on measures applied from a different page

I have a text box where the content is derived from a measure looking at selected months in a slicer.

For example, I select start/end month in the slicer and the text box displays these concatenated with some text around them.

This works fine on the page with the slicer.

However, I would like to present the same data in a text box on a different page but when I copy the box over it's looking for data on the new page, can't find it and showing the exception message instead. Is there a way to reference the slicer/source on the original page?

This is the code:

SelectedValues_Label = VAR _Count = COUNTROWS(VALUES('Calendar'[Month Year]))
VAR _Concat = "Stuff is done between " & CONCATENATEX(VALUES('Calendar'[Month Year]),[Month Year]," - ")
RETURN IF(_Count>2,"Multiple Selection",_Concat)

Any help appreciated.


  • Slicers do not share their selections across different pages by default. You need to synchronize them across different pages.

    enter image description here

    Enable sync slicers in PBI Desktop

    If you need more flexibility or want to avoid having the same slicer visible on multiple pages, you can use bookmarks:

    Bookmarks in PBI Desktop

    Note that you are using a card visual and not a text box.