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Batch file to rename files with a counter and specific filenames

I'm trying to create a batch file that I can copy and paste into any folder (I don't want to have to change the directory path every time I use it) that has multiple jpg files in it such that when I run the .bat file, it will rename all the jpg filenames in that folder with a specific title keeping the jpg files in the same order as they were originally. I want the first jpg in the folder to be renamed as 1 - Front, then the next jpg to be renamed as 2 - Back, then the next jpg to be renamed as 3 - Left Side, then the next jpg to be renamed as 4 - Right Side, then the next jpg to be renamed as 5 - Top, then the next jpg to be renamed as 6 - Bottom

I've tried 4 scripts. The first:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "folderPath=%~dp0"

REM Initialize the counter
set "counter=1"

REM Define the desired filenames
set "filenames=Front Back Left Side Right Side Top Bottom"

REM Loop through each JPG file in the folder
for %%F in ("%folderPath%\*.jpg") do (
    REM Rename the file based on the counter and filenames
    for %%A in (!counter!) do (
        ren "%%F" "%%A - !filenames:~%%A,1!.jpg"
    REM Increment the counter
    set /a "counter+=1" 

This renames the first file as 1 - r, the second file as 2 - o, the third file as 3 - n, the fourth file as 4 - t, the fifth file as 5 - , and the sixth file as 6 -

I also tried this:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "folderPath=%~dp0"

REM Initialize the counter
set "counter=1"

REM Define the desired filenames
set "filenames=Front Back Left Side Right Side Top Bottom"

REM Loop through each JPG file in the folder
for %%F in ("%folderPath%\*.jpg") do (
    REM Get the corresponding filename from the list
    for %%A in (!counter!) do (
        for %%B in (!filenames!) do (
            if %%A==1 (
                ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
            ) else (
                REM Increment the counter
                set /a "counter+=1"
                if %%A==2 (
                    ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
                ) else (
                    REM Increment the counter
                    set /a "counter+=1"
                    if %%A==3 (
                        ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
                    ) else (
                        REM Increment the counter
                        set /a "counter+=1"
                        if %%A==4 (
                            ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
                        ) else (
                            REM Increment the counter
                            set /a "counter+=1"
                            if %%A==5 (
                                ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
                            ) else (
                                REM Increment the counter
                                set /a "counter+=1"
                                if %%A==6 (
                                    ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"

This renames the files as 1 - Back, 1 - Front, 1 - Left, 1 - Right, 1 - Side, 1 - Top.

Next, I tried:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "folderPath=%~dp0"

REM Initialize the counter
set "counter=1"

REM Define the desired filenames
set "filenames=Front Back Left Side Right Side Top Bottom"

REM Loop through each JPG file in the folder
for %%F in ("%folderPath%\*.jpg") do (
    REM Rename the file based on the counter and filenames
    for %%A in (!counter!) do (
        for %%B in (!filenames!) do (
            if %%A==%%B (
                ren "%%F" "%%A.jpg"
    REM Increment the counter
    set /a "counter+=1" 

And finally, I tried:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "folderPath=%~dp0"

REM Define the desired filenames
set "filenames=Front Back Left Side Right Side Top Bottom"

REM Initialize the counter
set "counter=1"

REM Loop through each JPG file in the folder
for %%F in ("%folderPath%\*.jpg") do (
    REM Extract the corresponding filename from the list
    for %%A in (!counter!) do (
        for %%B in (!filenames!) do (
            if %%A==%%B (
                set "newName=%%B.jpg"
                ren "%%F" "!newName!"
    REM Increment the counter
    set /a "counter+=1" 

Neither of these last two did anything. Can someone please help? Thanks!


  • This is just one possible way you could do this. Output the new filenames to a temporary file. Then use that as standard input to the code block. This will get captured by the SET /P command. Use a FOR /F command to capture the output of the dir command. It is essential that this is used versus a normal FOR command. All files are enumerated by the FOR /F before it executes. With a normal FOR command it processes one file at a time which will cause issues with files entering back into the queue. I am just echoing the rename to show you what it will do. If it looks correct just remove the echo from the rename command.

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    REM List JPG files in directory
    dir /a-d /b /on *.jpg
    echo 1 - Front
    echo 2 - Back
    echo 3 - Left
    echo 4 - Right Side
    echo 5 - Top
    echo 6 - Bottom
    <tmp.txt (FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN ('dir /a-d /b /on *.jpg') DO (
        set /p newname=
        echo rename "%%G" "!newname!%%~xG"
    del tmp.txt

    Here is the execution.

    D:\My Drive\BatchFiles\SO\78206913>so.bat
    rename "bar.jpg" "1 - Front.jpg"
    rename "foo.jpg" "2 - Back.jpg"
    rename "green.jpg" "3 - Left.jpg"
    rename "pink.jpg" "4 - Right Side.jpg"
    rename "purple.jpg" "5 - Top.jpg"
    rename "red.jpg" "6 - Bottom.jpg"