After quite a few searches for ways to FTP files in AX, I was happy to discover the WinInet class, which is more or less just a wrapper for the .DLL of the same name. I thought my problems were solved! I was not aware, however, that the class had a major Achilles heel -- it doesn't run in batch (on a server).
Can anybody point me in the right direction? Specifically, I want to upload (FTP put) a file to another server in a server-run batch job (running as a service user with admin rights to the file in question). Anybody?
There is another example of using .NET classes for FTP in Axaptapedia. It is different enough from 10p's example code to take a look...
In my own experience I ended up writing and then calling a bat file from the command line to pass in ftp commands as we needed to use a special FTP client! Here are two examples of using shell scripting - Net Time && Run a Process.