_Hi, I have the following DAX measure and I would like to replace the XXXX section by the related colour of the "@Colour" column from the same _BarTable. I don't know how to do it ? Thanks for your help ! Link to Pbix file
VAR _BarTable=
SUMMARIZE('Crypto Data', 'Crypto Data'[timestamp]),
"@Colour", IF(
[Current Price] = _YMaxValue, "Green",
IF( [Current Price] = _YMinValue, "Red",
"@Bars", "<rect x='" & INT(150 * DIVIDE('Crypto Data'[timestamp] - _XMinDate, _XMaxDate - _XMinDate)) &
"' width='1' stroke='" & XXXX & "' stroke-width='1' y='" &
50 - INT(50 * DIVIDE([Current Price] - _YMinValue, _YMaxValue - _YMinValue)) & "' height='" &
INT(50 * DIVIDE([Current Price] - _YMinValue, _YMaxValue - _YMinValue)) &
"' style='fill:" & XXXX & "'/>"
Try this.
VAR _BarTable=
SUMMARIZE('Crypto Data', 'Crypto Data'[timestamp]),
"@Colour", IF(
[Current Price] = _YMaxValue, "Green",
IF( [Current Price] = _YMinValue, "Red",
VAR x = IF(
[Current Price] = _YMaxValue, "Green",
IF( [Current Price] = _YMinValue, "Red",
"<rect x='" & INT(150 * DIVIDE('Crypto Data'[timestamp] - _XMinDate, _XMaxDate - _XMinDate)) &
"' width='1' stroke='" & x & "' stroke-width='1' y='" &
50 - INT(50 * DIVIDE([Current Price] - _YMinValue, _YMaxValue - _YMinValue)) & "' height='" &
INT(50 * DIVIDE([Current Price] - _YMinValue, _YMaxValue - _YMinValue)) &
"' style='fill:" & x & "'/>"