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Python packaging with pyproject.toml and setuptools

What I am trying to achieve

My goal is, after installing the python package, to be able to run a command without having to type python before the command.


$ excommand
Hello, World!

Directory Structure

├── example
├── .venv
├── pyproject.toml
└── setup.cfg

def command():
    print("Hello, World!")


requires = [ "setuptools" ]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"


name = Example
version = 1.0.0

packages = find:

console_scripts = 
    excommand = example.exmodule:command

The Problem

After the execution of the following command on terminal:

$ python3 -m build --wheel

No warnings or errors are printed to the terminal but the command does not work:

$ excommand
zsh: command not found: excommand

What was tried

Before using the TOML file, I was just using the setup.cfg file with a, but when installing the package with the command pip install . I was warned that future versions of pip would guarantee the use of TOML files. It was not working either, so tried using TOML.


  • With newer setuptools and pyproject.toml you can use: (only relevant parts included)

    build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
    requires = ["setuptools>=69.2.0", "setuptools-scm"]
    packages = ["yourpackage"]
    yourbinary = "yourpackage.yourpackage:main"

    You must create a main() function in your

    #<all your fantastic code>
    def main():
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='superdupermain')
        parser.add_argument('--debug', help='debug', action='store_true')
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    When you run pip install yourpackage in a <venv> it will install:


    It will be in your path so you can execute yourbinary.exe for linux it will be an executable yourbinary