I'm now facing this.
# module.eks_volume_provisioning.aws_eks_addon.csi_driver will be updated in-place
~ resource "aws_eks_addon" "csi_driver" {
~ addon_version = "v1.25.0-eksbuild.1" -> "v1.28.0-eksbuild.1"
id = "kmx-dev:aws-ebs-csi-driver"
tags = {}
# (7 unchanged attributes hidden)
this is my terraform plan output. It wants to update csi-driver to a newer one.
I'm curious that it would update csi-driver without stopping. Is it possible to affect my services that are using persistent volume?
Is it possible to affect my services that are using persistent volume?
No. CSI (no matter whether you are using EBS-CSI or EFS-CSI) only affects the process while you creating PV through a specific storageClass
(handled by CSI). CSI won't get into it once the (persistent) PVC and PV are created.
Can you update csi-driver without stopping?
Yes. You can update it without stopping the cluster, the aws-csi-*
pod, or any running services. Any PVC that failed to be created during your CSI-Driver updating will automatically retry till its success.
Well, maybe not🤔. if that is so, just delete that PVC (and related pod) and bring it up again.