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SwiftUI order different structs within view

I have 2 different structures with many different variables, but each struct has a date variable. I want to present both arrays in a list in SwiftUI in order based on date. How can I combine two arrays of different structs into one then order them based on date?

struct Struct1: Identifiable, DateSortable {
    let id = UUID()
    let date: Date
    let property1: String // Add other properties specific to Struct1

struct Struct2: Identifiable, DateSortable {
    let id = UUID()
    let date: Date
    let property2: Int // Add other properties specific to Struct2

struct ContentView: View {
    let structArray: [Struct2] = [
        Struct2(date: Date(), property2: 10), // Example data
        Struct2(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(86400), property2: 20), // Example data
        Struct2(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(172800), property2: 30) // Example data
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
                ForEach(structArray) { item in
                    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                        Text("ID: \(")
                        Text("Date: \(")
                        Text("Property2: \(item.property2)")


  • Much less code than in another answer :)

    struct ContentView: View {
        let myData: [MyWrapper] = [
            MyWrapper(date: Date(), data: Struct1(property1: "hello")),
            MyWrapper(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(86400), data: Struct2(property2: 10)),
            MyWrapper(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(172800), data: Struct2(property2: 30))
        // !!!ORDER!!!
        .sorted( by: { $ < $ } )
        var body: some View {
            ScrollView {
                VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
                    ForEach(myData) { item in
                        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                            Text("ID: \(")
                            Text("Date: \(")
                            if let tmp = as? Struct1 {
                                Text("Property1: \(tmp.property1)")
                            if let tmp = as? Struct2 {
                                Text("Property2: \(tmp.property2)")
    struct MyWrapper: Identifiable  {
        var id = UUID()
        var date: Date
        var data: any MyData
    protocol MyData { }
    struct Struct1: MyData {
        let property1: String
    struct Struct2: MyData {
        let property2: Int

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