The problem is that is not clear, in the docs, how to set these values in the payload. Is clear that from the UI you obviously can, but using the Graph API doesn't seem to work.
I'm trying to create a List Item, but is not clear to me how to provide the TermGuid.
I've tried something like this:
payload = {
"fields": {
"Title": "My item",
"CustomMetadataField": {
"TermGuid": "[uuid]"
But I always get a 400 error.
I also tried something like this:
payload = {"fields": {"CustomMetaDataField": "-1;#Label|uuid"}}
None of that works.
You can't directly set the value of your managed metadata field, but you need to set the value of the hidden column name associated with the managed metadata field.
List all columns included the hidden columns
GET /v1.0/sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/columns?$select=id,name,hidden,displayName
The response looks like this
"value": [
"displayName": "ManagedMetadata",
"hidden": false,
"id": "062e47e1-021e-4b11-9632-61c8968209a7",
"name": "ManagedMetadata"
"displayName": "ManagedMetadata_0",
"hidden": true,
"id": "08be9a90-5e7a-404e-b5f8-77121d7973c3",
"name": "g62e47e1021e4b11963261c8968209a7"
Suppose that the name
of the field in UI is ManagedMetadata. This field has a hidden field with the displayName
ManagedMetadata_0 and the name
g62e47e1021e4b11963261c8968209a7 to be used in a POST
POST /v1.0/sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items
"fields": {
"{hidden_field_name}": "{TermGuid}"
Where {hidden_field_name}
in this case is g62e47e1021e4b11963261c8968209a7. The value is either {TermGuid}
or -1;{TermName}|{TermGuid}