I am just trying to build an arima model using the arima() function and want to get some summary stats like AIC and RMSE using the summary() function. But the summary function is giving me some strange output when I run it in RStudio (R 4.3.1) on my laptop.
Here is the code I ran on my system:
m_111 <- arima(presidents, order = c(1,1,1))
This is the output I got:
> summary(m_111)
Length Class Mode
coef 2 -none- numeric
sigma2 1 -none- numeric
var.coef 4 -none- numeric
mask 2 -none- logical
loglik 1 -none- numeric
aic 1 -none- numeric
arma 7 -none- numeric
residuals 120 ts numeric
call 3 -none- call
series 1 -none- character
code 1 -none- numeric
n.cond 1 -none- numeric
nobs 1 -none- numeric
model 10 -none- list
The output I was expecting is something like this:
I don't understand why am I not getting the desired output.
There is no summary.arima()
method in the stats
package. The image shows the output from the summary method from the forecast
package. So use library(forecast)