How do I create a function to get a list of all the subkeys within a dictionary for a given key.
Data = {
'Andrew': {
'Country': 'Australia',
'Age': '20',
'Mary': {
'Country': 'Australia',
'Age': '25',
'Gender': 'Female',
For a given key e.g Andrew or Mary I'd like to know the keys present. So if I ask for Andrew: It gives [Country, Age] and Mary is [Country,Age,Gender]
As you want to do via function. here you can make something like this
def get_subkeys(dictionary, key):
if key in dictionary:
return list(dictionary[key].keys())
return []
data = {
'Andrew': {
'Country': 'Australia',
'Age': '20',
'Mary': {
'Country': 'Australia',
'Age': '25',
'Gender': 'Female',
print(get_subkeys(data, 'Andrew')) # Output: ['Country', 'Age']
print(get_subkeys(data, 'Mary')) # Output: ['Country', 'Age', 'Gender']
print(get_subkeys(data, 'John')) # Output: []