So I worked on a small Tic Tac Toe game in python and it worked really well, and I did talk about it here to improve it in some way. However, I had a neat idea to make the board bigger and Implemented that pretty well - besides the fact that diagonal were only be able to be done on square grids and only straight through the middle. Then I added a way for the user to modify the board size, and that worked well. This is what that looked like before the road block.
import os
base_columns = [chr(x+97) for x in range(26)]
base_rows = [x for x in range(26)]
blank_spot = "-"
player_tracker = 0
player_character = ('X', 'O')
num_wins = {p:0 for p in player_character}
win_type = "Draw"
choice = ("y", "n")
game_running = True
def create_coords(s):
global coords, columns, rows
y = s.index('x')
rows = base_rows[:int(s[:y])]
columns = base_columns[:int(s[y+1:])]
coords = {c:[blank_spot]*len(rows) for c in columns}
except (IndexError, ValueError):
def info_checker(s):
s = s.lower()
if 'x' in s and len(s) >= 3 and s.count('x') == 1:
y = s.index('x')
if y > 0 and s[:y].isnumeric() and s[y+1:].isnumeric():
return True
return False
def info_input(q, e="Not viable info"):
x = input(q)
while not(info_checker(x)):
x = input(q)
def intro():
intro_text = ["Welcome to Tic Tac Toe", "The Goal is to get 3 characters in a row", "Player 1 is 'X'; Player 2 is 'O'","You play the game on a board that's a grid","You have to input coords to place your character", "To input the coord for you charcter (Ex: a0, b2, c1):", "- First, put the letter column you want", "- Second, then put the number row"]
for text in intro_text:
print(text, end="\n\n")
y = choice_input("Want to change the board size (y/n)? ")
if y == choice[0]:
board_text = ["Format: (Y)x(Z); Y is rows, Z is columns", "Ex: 3x3, 2x2, 3x2", "Note: If you enter a # greater than 26\nProgram defaluts to 3x3", "You can change this at the end of games"]
for text in board_text:
print(text, end="\n\n")
info_input("Input info to change board: ")
input("Press enter to start playing ")
def print_board():
print(" " + " ".join([c for c in columns]), end="\n\n")
rows_formatted = []
for r in rows:
row_elements = []
for c in columns:
space = " "*((len(str(r))%2)+1)
rows_formatted.append(f"{r} {space} {' | '.join(row_elements)}\n")
seperator = " " + "----"*len(columns) + "-\n"
def coord_checker(s):
if len(s) == 2 and s[0].lower() in columns and int(s[1]) in rows:
if coords[s[0].lower()][int(s[1])] == blank_spot:
return True
return False
except ValueError:
return False
def coord_input(q, e="Not a selectable coord"):
print(f"It's Player {player_tracker+1}'s turn ({player_character[player_tracker]})")
x = input(q)
while not(coord_checker(x)):
x = input(q)
return x
def choice_input(q, e=f"Not '{choice[0]}' or '{choice[1]}', expecting 1 of them"):
x = input(q).lower()
while not(x in choice):
x = input(q).lower()
return x
def place_tac(c):
global player_tracker
coords[c[0].lower()][int(c[1])] = player_character[player_tracker]
player_tracker = (player_tracker+1)%2
def someone_won():
global win_type
for c in columns:
if all([coords[c][r] == coords[c][rows[0]] != blank_spot for r in rows]):
win_type = coords[c][rows[0]]
for r in rows:
if all([coords[c][r] == coords[columns[0]][r] != blank_spot for c in columns]):
win_type = coords[columns[0]][r]
if len(rows) == len(columns):
length = len(rows)
if all([coords[columns[i]][rows[i]] == coords[columns[0]][0] != blank_spot for i in range(length)]):
win_type = coords[columns[0]][0]
elif all([coords[columns[0+i]][rows[(length-1)-i]] == coords[columns[0]][length-1] != blank_spot for i in range(length)]):
win_type = coords[columns[0]][length-1]
if win_type != "Draw":
return True
return False
def who_won():
if win_type == "Draw":
print(f"It was a draw! {num_wins['X']}-{num_wins['O']}")
num_wins[win_type] += 1
print(f"{win_type} won! {num_wins['X']}-{num_wins['O']}")
def game():
turn_tracker = 0
while not(someone_won()) and turn_tracker < len(rows)*len(columns):
c = coord_input("Choose a coord: ")
turn_tracker += 1
def reset():
global coords, player_tracker, win_type
coords = {c:[blank_spot]*len(rows) for c in columns}
if win_type != "Draw":
player_tracker = (player_character.index(win_type)+1)%2
win_type = "Draw"
def replay():
global game_running
x = choice_input("Do you want to keep playing (y/n)? ")
if x == choice[0]:
y = choice_input("Change the board size (y/n)? ")
if y == choice[0]:
info_input("Input info (Ex: 2x2, 3x3, 3x2) ")
print("Thanks for playing")
game_running = False
while game_running:
However, In practice a larger board makes this harder to play and win. Especially since you HAVE to have characters in a row in the length or width of the board. So a friend suggested that I make the way to win is to have 3 characters in a row - unless the board is less than 3x3.
I have been able to do most of this by myself
The function to tell if 3 'tacs' are in a row (Parameter, 'tics', is a list of bools)
def tic_tac_toe(tics):
toes = 0
if len(coords[columns[0]]) >= 3:
for t in tics:
if t:
toes += 1
if toes >= 3:
return True
return all(tics)
return False
And 2 functions to find who had a column or row win
def find_column_tics(c):
count = 1
previous = coords[c][rows[0]]
for r in rows:
current = coords[c][r]
if current in player_character:
if r != rows[0] and previous == current:
count = 1
previous = current
if count >= 3:
return current
def find_row_tacs(r):
count = 1
previous = coords[columns[0]][r]
for c in columns:
current = coords[c][r]
if current in player_character:
if c != columns[0] and previous == current:
count = 1
previous = current
if count >= 3:
return current
And within 'someone_won()' they all look like this
def someone_won():
global win_type
# For finding a win in columns
for c in columns:
for r in rows:
if tic_tac_toe([coords[c][i] == coords[c][r] != blank_spot for i in rows]):
win_type = find_column_tics(c)
# For finding a win in rows
for r in rows:
for c in columns:
if tic_tac_toe([coords[i][r] == coords[c][r] != blank_spot for i in columns]):
win_type = find_row_tacs(r)
This all worked really well but then I got to trying to solve diagonals. In a 4x4 board there are 8 ways to win by diagonal, but have no idea how to create an algorithm for this. I've tried several things and all of them don't work. I wanted to figure this out by myself but I don't think have the experience for it, I am wondering if y'all have any ideas or solutions. As of writing this I have tried a find a way to do this for 3 DAYS, and I really hope that this is possible.
You could try something like this:
def check_diagonals(board, color):
# upper left to bottom right
for i in range(len(board) - 2):
for j in range(len(board[0]) - 2):
if board[i][j] == color and board[i + 1][j + 1] == color and board[i + 2][j + 2] == color:
return True
# bottom left to top right
for i in range(2, len(board)):
for j in range(len(board[0]) - 2):
if board[i][j] == color and board[i - 1][j + 1] == color and board[i - 2][j + 2] == color:
return True
return False
board = [
print(check_diagonals(board, "1")) # True
Because there are, in effect, two types of diagonals going in opposite directions, just check all diagonals that could be possible.