I followed this guide, to rename file in Google Drive when a trigger an action from AppSheet, but Google Drive file names don't change:
This is the last execution, apparently there are no errors
But it should change the file names in Google Drive.
see image attached.
**And this is my custom code: **
function renameFile(coec_cedula, coec_nombres, coec_apellidos) {
//Log Request
console.log(`Received request for ${coec_cedula} with Cheque No ${coec_nombres} and amount of ${coec_apellidos}`);
let folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("1qP-Jv7OWxTlLCaxH9HpFmQC7R20Ew6bm");
let subfolder = folder.getFoldersByName(coec_cedula);
if(subfolder.hasNext()) {
let subfolderObj = subfolder.next();
let subfolderId = subfolderObj.getId();
// Get the folder id of the subfolder created via the [FILE] column's Image/File Path
let coec_cedulaFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(subfolderId);
// Get all the files inside the folder
let files = coec_cedulaFolder.getFiles();
let file;
// Loop through each file in the folder
while (files.hasNext()) {
file = files.next();
filename = file.getName();
if (filename.includes( coec_nombres )) {
// get the file extension of the uplaoded file
let ext = filename.split(".").pop();
console.log( filename );
// Rename the file
let newName = `${coec_cedula}.${ext}`;
//Rename the file in Google Drive
let newValue = `/CWA_OEC_ApprovedData_Files/${coec_cedula}/${newName}`;
return newValue; // Return the new value to AppSheet
} // while files.hasNext()
} // if subfolder.hasNext()
} // end function renameFile
I modified it so that it figures out the real path for you but I found that the file is getting renamed properly.
function myFunk01(a = "folder11", b = "1", c = "1") {
console.log(`Received request for ${a} with Cheque No ${b} and amount of ${c}`);
let folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("gobj.globals.testid");
let subfolder = folder.getFoldersByName(a);
if (subfolder.hasNext()) {
let subfolderObj = subfolder.next();
let fid = subfolderObj.getId();
let cfldr = DriveApp.getFolderById(fid);
let files = cfldr.getFiles();
while (files.hasNext()) {
let file = files.next();
let filename = file.getName();
if (filename.includes(b)) {
let ext = filename.split(".").pop();
let newName = `${a}.${ext}`;
var pA = [];//path array
var fo = file.getParents();
while (fo.hasNext()) {
let f = fo.next();
fo = f.getParents()
var path = pA.reverse().join(' / ');
let newValue = path;//includes file name
return newValue;