I'm trying to import data into a table. Currently I am trying
LOAD DATA local INFILE "C:/PRINT DAILY DOC_CommaDelimited.txt"
into table daily_doc_report_full
fields terminated by ','
The import data looks like this
" 1","SALES DEPT SALES "," 0"," -285,723","
When it is importing the commas in the 4th field are messing up how the data is being imported.
The data should look like this
| Line| Description | today | Month_to_date|
| 1| Sales Dept Sales | 0.00| -285,723.00|
Instead the data is truncated and is displaying
| Line| Description | today | Month_to_date|
| 1| Sales Dept Sales | 0.00| -285.00|
I've tried various changes to the load data local infile query, like removing the OPTIONALLY
from the ENCLOSED BY '"'
but I just can't get it to work as intended. I'm using MYSQL 8.0
MySQL doesn't understand numbers formatted with comma for thousands separators. If you try to cast a string containing commas to a numeric, it ignores any characters from the comma to the end.
This has nothing to do with LOAD DATA INFILE or the enclosing quotes. We can demonstrate the same problem with a simple CAST() expression:
mysql> select cast('-285,723' as decimal);
| cast('-285,723' as decimal) |
| -285 |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
mysql> select cast('-285723' as decimal);
| cast('-285723' as decimal) |
| -285723 |
You can work around this with LOAD DATA INFILE by first copying the string to a user variable, then removing the commas from the user variable.
I tested this with MySQL 8.3 (it should work the same with any version of MySQL):
mysql> LOAD DATA local INFILE 'c.csv' into table mytable
fields terminated by ','
(line, description, @today, @month_to_date)
set today = replace(@today, ',', ''),
month_to_date = replace(@month_to_date, ',', '');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from mytable;
| line | description | today | month_to_date |
| 1 | SALES DEPT SALES | 0.00 | -285723.00 |