I'm working on a 3rd party SDK (XCFramework) which is distributed a binary target via Swift Package Manager. Following last WWDC we need to include the privacy manifest as part of the package.
While there's a quick solution for "regular" targets by adding the file path to resources: [.process("Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy")]
, I couldn't find any example or straightforward solution for adding the .xcprivacy
file for a binary target which currently offer this options:
static func binaryTarget(
name: String,
path: String
) -> Target
static func binaryTarget(
name: String,
url: String,
checksum: String
) -> Target
Has anyone found a solution for it yet?
One way is to include the manifest in a wrapper target, like this grpc example:
name: "grpcppWrapper",
dependencies: [
path: "grpcpp-Wrapper",
resources: [.process("Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy")]
name: "grpcpp",
url: "https://dl.google.com/firebase/ios/bin/grpc/1.62.1/rc1/grpcpp.zip",
checksum: "8075379cb5ab3fb84afca729e215b2503f20648e17d960a9fe013812156a42e0"