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Prime number generator using a recursive SQL cte

The following is an attempt at a prime number generator using a recursive CTE:

WITH RECURSIVE prime(num, is_prime) AS (
    SELECT 1, 1
        IF( num+1 IN (2,3,5,7) OR (
            (num+1)%2!=0 AND 
            (num+1)%3!=0 AND 
            (num+1)%4!=0 AND 
            (num+1)%5!=0 AND 
            (num+1)%6!=0 AND 
            (num+1)%7!=0 AND 
            (num+1)%8!=0 AND 
            (num+1)%9!=0 AND 
          num+1, NULL
    FROM prime WHERE num < 100
) SELECT * FROM prime;

│ num ┆ is_prime │
│   1 ┆        1 │
│   2 ┆        2 │
│   3 ┆        3 │
│   4 ┆          │
│   5 ┆        5 │
│   6 ┆          │
│   7 ┆        7 │
│   8 ┆          │

I know that this includes items that can be optimized out (such as MOD 9 or MOD 10), but I'm leaving them in there to make things more explicit. Is there another way to do this without having to write out each case individually? For example, having something like RANGE(10) and doing the iteration based on that (without having to write procedural code/extensions).

What might be a creative way to do this, maybe even using another recursive CTE?


  • Not sure how high you need to go, but I tested this up to a ceiling of 10,000 which returned in 1229 prime number results.

    WITH Numbers AS (
        SELECT   2 AS Number
        UNION ALL
        SELECT   Number + 1
        FROM     Numbers
        WHERE    Number < 10000) -- Highest prime number to include
    ,Primes AS (
        SELECT   Number
        FROM     Numbers
            SELECT   1
            FROM     Numbers n
            WHERE    n.Number < Numbers.Number
            AND      Numbers.Number % n.Number = 0))
    SELECT   TOP 2000 Number -- Max number of results to return
    FROM     Primes