Search code examples

Postback is happening on form submit, Blazor Model is reset on form submission

I am intializing the list of products and updating the quantity via UI.

On form submission , I am calling CheckOutTickets , want to get the updated context and send it over processing.

But each time I click submit, everything inside @Code is being executed , rather than , CheckOutTickets only being called.

@page "/"

@using Blazor_Try_Stripe_Api.Model
@attribute [StreamRendering]


@if (!products.Any())
    <EditForm Model="products"  FormName="CheckoutForm"  @OnValidSubmit="CheckOutTickets">
        <table class="table">
            @foreach (var product in products)
                        <label for="quantity">Quantity</label>
                        <InputNumber id="quantity"
        <button type="submit">Buy Tickets</button>

@code {

    private List<Product> products;
    protected override void OnInitialized()
       products = new List<Product>()
                Name = "Members",
                Description = "Members",
                Price = 30,
                Quantity = 2,
                PriceId = "price_1OvI69ICuq9ZAmsOnd56qTqV"
                Name = "Guests",
                Description = "Guests",
                Price = 50,
                Quantity = 1,
                PriceId = "price_1OvI6VICuq9ZAmsOCOPZrPRc"
    private void CheckOutTickets(EditContext obj)
        //DO Something



  • Ok, Marking the page as @rendermode InteractiveServer , did the job.

    @page "/"
    @using Blazor_Try_Stripe_Api.Model
    @rendermode InteractiveServer

    Also removed @attribute [StreamRendering] (From comments )