In Altair, if I layer two plots with color scales on different attributes and then also facet them I end up with multiple copies of the color legend. If there's just one color scale it correctly resolves them into a single legend, but once I create a second orthogonal scale (e.g. if I'm plotting one set of points with scale A and a separate set of lines with scale B) it duplicates them on every facet.
Here's a reproducible example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
## simulate some timeseries data
# date
data = pd.DataFrame({
"date": pd.date_range("2024-01-01", "2024-04-30"),
# true value (just some weekday effects, log-linear growth, and noise)
data["y"] = (
+ np.random.normal(scale=3, size=7)[data["date"].dt.weekday]
+ np.random.normal(size=data.shape[0])
# coverage of the data (0 to 1, skewed towards 1)
data["coverage"] = np.random.beta(3, 1, size=data.shape[0])
# observed value (truth x coverage)
data["y_obs"] = data["y"] * data["coverage"]
## fake some simple model fits
# model A: 7-day rolling quantile
model_a = pd.DataFrame({
"model": "A",
"date": data["date"],
"median": data["y"].rolling(7).median(),
"p90": data["y"].rolling(7).quantile(.9)
# model B: 21-day rolling quantile
model_b = pd.DataFrame({
"model": "B",
"date": data["date"],
"median": data["y"].rolling(14).median(),
"p90": data["y"].rolling(14).quantile(.9)
# combine models
models = pd.concat([model_a, model_b]).melt(id_vars=["model", "date"], var_name="estimate")
## create the chart
# combine all data so one source can be used for the layered chart and faceted by month
source = pd.concat([models, data])
source["month"] = source["date"].dt.month
# overall chart
chart = alt.Chart(
title = "Model Fits"
# predictions
lines = (
.transform_filter(alt.datum.model) # filter to model results
.mark_line(opacity = .7)
x = alt.X("date:T"),
y = alt.Y("value:Q"),
color = alt.Color("model"),
strokeDash = alt.StrokeDash("estimate"),
# data
points = (
.transform_filter(alt.datum.y_obs) # filter to data
.mark_point(filled = True)
x = alt.X("date:T"),
y = alt.Y("y_obs:Q").title("value"),
color = alt.Color("coverage:Q").scale(domain=[0,1], scheme="spectral"),
# combine them and facet
alt.layer(lines, points).facet("month", columns = 2).resolve_scale(x="independent")
The estimates
(strokeDash) legend shows up just once, but coverage
and model
are repeated. If I remove either of them from the encodings, the duplication is resolved.
Is there any way to consolidate these legends?
In this specific case, if you replace
color = alt.Color("model"),
stroke = alt.Stroke("model"),
You get a single legend: