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Starting strongswan/charon from Docker

I am creating a docker image using strongswan, with the following inside the Dockerfile:

RUN apt-get update; \
    apt-get install -y systemd strongswan libstrongswan strongswan-swanctl strongswan-charon charon-systemd; \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt-lists/*;

RUN ipsec start

(docker-compose does add the NET_ADMIN capability)

However after starting, the instance only has in /var/run instead of the charon.vici that i am expecting. If I then run ipsec start inside the container, I obtain

Starting strongSwan 5.9.8 IPsec [starter]...
removing pidfile '/var/run/', process not running

And then everything seems to be working.

How can I automatize the startup of ipsec from the Dockerfile? I need strongswan to be activated to then use it from a python script.

I tried to change the docker command to RUN ipsec stop && ipsec start and variants to no avail.


  • Finally found a solution.

    As mentioned in comments a Dockerfile cannot run a background process. However, there is always a foreground process (through ENTRYPOINT), which in my case was already used to run a flask server.

    However, replacing that line with ENTRYPOINT ['bash', ''] and with the following bash file

    ipsec start
    echo 'waiting 2s for ipsec to start' && sleep 2 && chmod 777 /run/charon.vici && echo 'done'
    flask --app run -h -p 5000 --debug

    Then everything works as expected.

    Using a supervisor such as mentioned in this answer is probably the next step to ensure services are automatically reloaded in case of a crash.