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Regex to group numbers in threes excluding decimals

How can I define a regex that groups a number into threes excluding decimals?


1123456789 -> ["1","123","456","789"]

1123456789.999 -> ["1","123","456","789"]

I've tried this Regex:


But it outputs the following:

1123456789 -> ["1","123","456","789"]

1123456789.999 -> ["999"]

Edit: removed _ from the example strings.


  • If supported in your environment, you can make use of an infinite quantifier in a lookbehind assertion:


    The pattern in parts matches:

    • \d{1,3} Match 1-3 digits
    • (?<!\.\d*) Negative lookbehind to assert that the current match is not preceded by a dot and optional digits
    • (?=(?:\d{3})*\b) Positive lookahead, assert optional repetitions of 3 digits followed by a word boundary

    See a regex demo

    const regex = /\d{1,3}(?<!\.\d*)(?=(?:\d{3})*\b)/g;
    ].forEach(s =>