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How can I create a SVG chart offline with highcharts for python?

I'm trying to create an SVG chart with highcharts in Python for a windows application. I was able to download thanks to Server Side export, but I would need to export it offline. I saw that there is also a Client-side export but I couldn't get it to work outside Jupyter.

How can I do? Is there a method like download for client-side exporting? Or are there alternatives other than highcharts?


  • FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm the primary author of Highcharts for Python.

    Client-side exporting is configured through the exporting options via the .options.exporting.Exporting class. Here's a snippet of content from one of the tutorials in the documentation:

    Using Highcharts for Python, you can configure client-side export within the Chart.options settings by configuring the options.exporting property.

    In particular, you can apply configuration through an Exporting instance, which lets you configure how your chart will support exporting from within the user’s browser when the chart is rendered. Here’s a quick example, assuming you have a Chart instance called my_chart:

    exporting_options = Exporting(enabled = True,
                                  filename = 'your-exported-chart',
                                  show_table = True,
                                  table_caption = "Your Chart's Caption Goes Here",
                                  accessibility = {
                                      'enabled': True
    exporting_options.buttons['contextButton'].menu_items = ['printChart',
    'separator', 'downloadPNG']
    my_chart.options.exporting = exporting_options

    And that’s it. With the code above you’ve now configured some basic logic that:

    • Enables client-side export of the my_chart visualization.

    • Gives an exported chart image a default filename of 'your-exported-chart' (not including the file’s extension).

    • Makes sure that the exported or printed version of your chart includes the chart’s underlying data table (thanks to the show_table property being set to True), and

    • Gives users the ability to either print the chart or download a PNG version of the chart, but nothing else (by setting the relevant buttons shown in the context menu).

    Highcharts Core supports client-side export to a number of formats, including:

    • PNG
    • JPEG
    • SVG
    • CSV
    • Excel

    And you can also configure the client-side export to fall back to server-side export should it fail.

    Hope this helps!