I am trying to do a conditional render of a datepicker in a formkit repeater. It's unclear to me how I am supposed to get the node on the child.
The $index
should be avaliable to all childern of the reaperter per the docs. Thanks for your help!
See playground
<script setup>
import { FormKitSchema } from "@formkit/vue";
import { ref, computed } from "vue";
const schema = [
$formkit: 'repeater',
name: 'users',
children: [
$formkit: 'text',
name: 'email',
// $index is available to children.
label: 'Email',
$formkit: "checkbox",
name: "hasDate",
label: "Has date?",
$formkit: 'datepicker',
name: 'date',
if: '$users[$index].$hadDate'
const data = ref();
const handleSubmit = () => alert("Valid submit!");
<FormKit type="form" v-model="data" @submit="handleSubmit">
<FormKitSchema :schema="schema" :data="data" />
{{ data }}
Use $value
to get the current element's value. In your case, the correct value of the datepicker subfield if
is: '$value.hasDate'