I would like to disable the button in question.
My code is:
<DocumentViewer x:Name="viewerDocument"
Document="{Binding GeneratedDocument}" />
and the preview is as follows
You would have to override the default template (DocumentViewer ControlTemplate Example) or subclass DocumentViewer
to override the DocumentViewerBase.OnPrintCommand
method and call the DocumentViewerBase.CancelPrint
method from the override.
You can also find the print button in the visual tree and set UIElement.IsEnabled
to false
The following example shows how to get the print button to disable it:
<DocumentViewer Loaded="OnDocumentViewerLoaded" />
private void OnDocumentViewerLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var documentViewer = (DocumentViewer)sender;
Button printButton = EnumerateVisualChildElements<Button>(documentViewer)
.First(button => button.Command == ApplicationCommands.Print);
// Disable the print button
printButton.IsEnabled = false;
private static IEnumerable<TChildren> EnumerateVisualChildElements<TChildren>(DependencyObject parent) where TChildren : DependencyObject
for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent); childIndex++)
DependencyObject childElement = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, childIndex);
if (childElement is Popup popup)
childElement = popup.Child;
if (childElement is TChildren child)
yield return child;
foreach (TChildren item in EnumerateVisualChildElements<TChildren>(childElement))
yield return item;