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Using FilePicker in MAUI with admin privilege

I have been using MAUI for sometimes but recently, I discover that the build-in file picker Microsoft.Maui.Storage.FilePicker does not work when app is running as administrator. I have been searching around and I see someone post a solution for this in PavlikBender / Pickers. So I used it, and it works. But I soon realize it does not have an option to pick multiple files at once.

I have tried modify the code as the following:

create a new file FileMultiPicker.cs:

using Pickers.Classes;
using Pickers.Enums;

namespace Pickers;

public class FileMultiPicker
    private readonly IntPtr _windowHandle;

    public FileMultiPicker(IntPtr windowHandle)
        _windowHandle = windowHandle;

    public List<string> Show(List<string>? typeFilters = null)
        return Helper.ShowMulti(_windowHandle, FOS.FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT | FOS.FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM, typeFilters);

add a new function in Helper.cs:

internal static List<string> ShowMulti(nint windowHandle, FOS fos, List<string>? typeFilters = null)
    var dialog = new FileOpenDialog();
        if (typeFilters != null)
            typeFilters.Insert(0, string.Join("; ", typeFilters));
            var filterSpecs = typeFilters.Select(f => new COMDLG_FILTERSPEC(f)).ToArray();
            dialog.SetFileTypes((uint)filterSpecs.Length, filterSpecs);
        if (dialog.Show(windowHandle) != 0) return new();

        // the above is copy from source, the below is my own take on the matter

        dialog.GetResults(out IShellItemArray results);
        List<string> files = new();
        results.GetCount(out var count);
        for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
            results.GetItemAt(i, out var result);
            result.GetDisplayName(SIGDN.SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, out var path);
        return files;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return new();
#pragma warning disable CA1416 
#pragma warning restore CA1416

the app builds and runs, but when I test the picker it will throw an exception at line dialog.GetResults(out IShellItemArray results); : Value does not fall within the expected range.

I know next to nothing about how they actually work, so if someone could check out the source and help me to get this to work or point me to some direction I would appreciate it


  • so after another day of digging I found this nuget WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.CommonFileDialogs and it work on both normal and admin privilege, it has all pick single, multi, folder and save dialog.

    after installing, use it like this:

    using WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs;
    using CommonOpenFileDialog dialog = new()
        Multiselect = false, // deafult = false, set true if you want to pick multiple files
        IsFolderPicker = false, // deafult = false, set true if you want to pick folder
    dialog.Filters.Add(new("Video", "*.mp4")); // filter allowed extensions
    dialog.Filters.Add(new("All files", "*.*")); // allow all extensions
    CommonFileDialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(); // show the dialog
    if (result == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok)
        // perform your logic if a file or folder is picked
        string fullPath = dialog.FileName;

    there is also CommonSaveFileDialog for saving file and other options when creating a dialog like Title or InitialDirectory but most of the time the default value is enough