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Parameterisation of yup translation - next.js

I currently have this translation in the schema:

.json file:

{"": "First name may contain letters, numbers, spaces and some punctuation characters only, and must not exceed 40 characters"}

and use it like:

import * as yup from 'yup';

export const FIRST_NAME_REGEXP =

export const RegisterSchema = yup.object({
  firstName: yup
    .matches(FIRST_NAME_REGEXP, '')

How can I parameterise the value '40' in the translation text?

I need changing it like this:

{"": "First name may contain letters, numbers, spaces and some punctuation characters only, and must not exceed {{numChar}} characters"}

but what should I change here? -> .matches(FIRST_NAME_REGEXP, '')

I have tried integrating i18n translations but does not work with yup, and yes I need to use yup.

Unable to find how to do it, if possible at all (seems like it's not).


  • I created a function that generates a yup schema with a dynamic character limit. When the limit is exceeded, it produces a translated error message using the matches() method.

    import i18n from 'i18next'; //Assuming the use of the i18next library
    const createValidationSchema = (maxCharacters) => {
      const firstNameRegexp = new RegExp(`^(?!\\s)(?!.*\\s{3})(?!.*(http|www))(?!.*[&$=+#|{}()£[\\]<>?!:;@"%^*\\p{Extended_Pictographic}]).{1,${maxCharacters}}$`, 'iu');
      //dynamically generating error messages
      const errorMessage = (key, params) => i18n.t(key, params);
      return yup.object({
        firstName: yup
          .matches(firstNameRegexp, () =>
            errorMessage('', { numChar: maxCharacters })
    //Example of use
    const RegisterSchema = createValidationSchema(40);

    In this code, the createValidationSchema function takes maxCharacters as an argument, and based on this, dynamically generates the regular expression and the translated error message.