I'm working an events feature, and I'm running into a rather involved query.
Here's the models for reference:
class Event < ApplicationRecord
has_one :party
belongs_to :host, foreign_key: :host_id, class_name: 'User'
belongs_to :convention, optional: true
has_many :join_requests
I'm looking to check which Events are accepting members, by checking the member_limit
of the associated Party.
class Party < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :event
belongs_to :host, foreign_key: :host_id, class_name: 'User'
has_many :user_parties
has_many :members, through: :user_parties, source: 'user'
has an integer column: member_limit
-- which only allows a set amount of party members.
So far I have a scope on Event that looks like this:
scope :accepting_members, -> () do
joins(party: :user_parties).group('parties.member_limit').select('count(user_parties.user_id) < parties.member_limit')
Which doesn't work too well.
Am I on the right track?
I tried using the COUNT() aggregate, but it only returns a hash of integers.
This is going to be a bit more complicated then you initially thought if you want usable output and there are quite a few ways to do this.
One way is to create a subquery for the event ids:
SELECT events.*
FROM events
WHERE events.id IN (
SELECT parties.events_id
FROM parties
OUTER LEFT JOIN user_parties ON parties.id = user_parties.party_id
GROUP BY parties.event_id
COUNT(user_parties.user_id) < parties.member_limit
Writing this in ActiveRecord/Arel gets a bit hairy:
subquery = Party.select(:events_id)
# COUNT(user_parties.user_id) < parties.member_limit
# events.id = parties.event_id
id: subquery
Other ways to do this would be to use EXIST
or a lateral join.