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I want to retrieve data from database into a livewire Component?

Hello guys I am trying to retrieve data from my database to a livewire component and I keep getting this error: Property [destination] does not exist on this collection instance.

here is my migration table:

public function up()
    Schema::create('delivery_fees', function (Blueprint $table) {

*am trying to retrieve the destination value like this:

public function render()
    $delivery_fees = DeliveryFee::all();
    return view('livewire.form-elements');

Note when I try dd($delivery_fees) It show me all the database values but when I try this dd($delivery_fees->destination) to retrieve only the destination value it throws back an error.

Please feel free to tell me what I am doing wrong and tell me how to fix it. thanks


  • use App\Models\DeliveryFee;
    public function render(){
          return view('livewire.form-elements')
              'Delivery_fee' => DeliveryFee::all()

    In the livewire.form-elements page you can now access all the columns like this: Delivery_fee->destination and other propoerties in the Table.

    Make sure you import the model in DeliveryFee in the live wire component