I have my data as below. In that, i want the values of column A to be split into different columns and have values of corresponding column2 values and need column3 to contain the corresponding value of the group.Please note that this is just a sample and there are multiple such groups with their corresponding value
Column1 Column2 Column3
Group1 Value1 V1
Group1 Value2 V2
Group1 Value3 V3
Group1 Value4 V4
Group2 Value1 x1
Group2 Value2 x2
Group2 Value3 x3
Group2 Value4 x4
Group3 Value1 y1
Group3 Value2 y2
Expected Output:
Group1 Group2 Group3 Column3.Group1 Column3.Group2 Column3.Group3
Value1 Value1 Value1 v1 x1 y1
Value2 Value2 Value2 v2 x2 y1
Value3 Value3 NaN v3 x3 NaN
Value4 Value4 NaN v4 x4 NaN
Anyway to achive this in python? Searched the forum, but i couldnt get..New to python, so an explanation and solution would help. TIA
tmp = df.assign(cc=df.groupby('Column1').cumcount())
out = pd.concat(
[tmp.pivot(index='cc', columns='Column1', values='Column2'),
tmp.pivot(index='cc', columns='Column1', values='Column3').add_prefix('Column3.')
], axis=1).rename_axis(index=None, columns=None)
Group1 Group2 Group3 Column3.Group1 Column3.Group2 Column3.Group3
0 Value1 Value1 Value1 V1 x1 y1
1 Value2 Value2 Value2 V2 x2 y2
2 Value3 Value3 NaN V3 x3 NaN
3 Value4 Value4 NaN V4 x4 NaN