I'm solving Subset Product for positive integers, I'm given a list S of divisors and an integer N. I must decide if a combination exists that equals to target.
I will remove non-divisors from S, remove duplicates of 1 as any combination equals 1 and this does not affect the correctness. I sort from smallest to largest as that's a requirement for my code to work as intended.
I find the max combination size by iterating and multiplying through the integers in S until we <= N. I then cap the combinations to that size.
I handle special cases that are efficiently solvable.
The code then does all combinations up to max_comb_size and either outputs True or False.
I would like to use a more efficient method to avoid even more redundant combinations, but I need to make sure recursion is actually working and "knows" that there's a max_comb_size. What would a recursive method look like for this variant Subset Product?
from itertools import combinations
from itertools import product
import sys
from collections import deque
def check_divisors(N, S):
# Multiset Subset Product General Case for positive integers only
# Initialize the maximum combination size
max_comb_size = 0
# Calculate the product of divisors and find the maximum combination size
# without exceeding N
# The variable max_comb_size effectively bounds the size of combinations
divisor_product = 1
for divisor in S:
if divisor_product * divisor <= N:
max_comb_size += 1
divisor_product *= divisor
# Case where all elements of S have a total product equal to N
product = 1
for num in S:
product *= num
if product == N:
return True
# Case where all elements of S have a product less than N
if product < N:
return False
# Try combinations of divisors starting from the smallest ones
for comb_size in range(1, max_comb_size + 1):
for combo in combinations(S, comb_size):
# Calculate the product of the current combination
current_product = 1 # Renamed the variable to avoid shadowing
for divisor in combo:
current_product *= divisor
# If the product equals N, return True
if current_product == N:
return True
# If no combination has a product equal to N, return False
return False
Part Two
N = 320
S = [1,1,1,2,2,4,4,4,4,5,6]
# Remove non_divisors so that max_combo_size doesn't get confused.
# Also, 1's should only appear once, otherwise max_combo_size
# gets confused.
new_S = deque([])
flag = 0
for i in S:
if i != 1:
if N % i == 0:
if i == 1:
flag = 1
# O(1) insertion, only one 1 is allowed
# as it confuses max_combination_size. Doesn't
# affect correctness as any combination of 1 has
# a product of 1*n
if flag == 1:
# Sorting is required for max_comb_size to work.
S = sorted(new_S)
print(check_divisors(N, S))
(Note: I'm aware this isn't recursive. I don't see a similarly efficient and simple recursive one, although Stef's seems comparable (either one might have advantages).)
Building the set of all numbers reachable from N by divisions, and reporting whether 1 got reached:
N = 320
S = [1,1,1,2,2,4,4,4,4,5,6]
P = {N}
for s in S:
P |= {p // s
for p in P
if not p % s}
print(1 in P)