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How to convert a MongoDB query with "UnionWith" to C# MongoDB.Driver

I'm using .NET 8 And MongoDB.Driver 2.24 and I have the following model in C#:

public class MachineOperation
    public int TotalProduction { get; set; }
    public int TotalBad { get; set; }
    public int TotalWhite { get; set; }
    public DateTime InsertedAt { get; set; }
    public int MachineScheduleId { get; set; } 

I made query to find the first and the last record of MachineOperations based in the InsertedAt field:

    "$sort": {
      "InsertedAt": 1
    $limit: 1
  { $project : { InsertedAt : 1, MachineScheduleId : 1 } },
    "$unionWith": {
      "coll": "MachineOperation",
      "pipeline": [
          "$sort": {
            "InsertedAt": -1
          $limit: 1
        { $project : { InsertedAt : 1, MachineScheduleId : 1 } }

My problem is that I cant convert this query to C#. To be honest, I didn't find a single example of UnionWith in C#. All I got was this:

var collection = database.GetCollection<MachineOperation>("MachineOperation");

var test = _collection
    .SortBy(m => m.InsertedAt)
    .SortByDescending(m => m.InsertedAt)

Which obviously doesn't work. Can anyone help me convert this query from MongoDB to C#?


  • Try the below:

        public class Projected
            public DateTime InsertedAt { get; set; }
            public int MachineScheduleId { get; set; }
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var test = _collection
                .SortBy(m => m.InsertedAt)
                .Project(i => new Projected { InsertedAt = i.InsertedAt, MachineScheduleId = i.MachineScheduleId })
                    new EmptyPipelineDefinition<MachineOperation>()
                        .Sort(Builders<MachineOperation>.Sort.Descending(s => s.InsertedAt))
                        .Project(ii => new Projected { InsertedAt = ii.InsertedAt, MachineScheduleId = ii.MachineScheduleId }));