I am having issues loading my bounding boxes into label studio. I noticed that label studio resized my original image and think that the issue might be arising from that. The orginal image is 6000x4000 and the new one is about 866x574. I am importing a JSON file with the bounding boxes, but in the end they become much larger than the original ones. So I think label studio is trying to do some scaling incorrectly. This is my JSON file:
"data": {
"image": "/data/upload/1/2e158a26-DSC05326.JPG"
"predictions": [{
"model_version": "one",
"score": 0.5,
"result": [
"id": "result1",
"type": "rectanglelabels",
"from_name": "label", "to_name": "image",
"original_width": 6000, "original_height": 4000,
"image_rotation": 0,
"value": {
"rotation": 0,
"x": 712, "y": 1553,
"width": 154, "height": 143,
"rectanglelabels": ["Olive"]
"id": "result2",
"type": "rectanglelabels",
"from_name": "label", "to_name": "image",
"original_width": 6000, "original_height": 4000,
"image_rotation": 0,
"value": {
"rotation": 0,
"x": 355, "y": 1161,
"width": 182, "height": 169,
"rectanglelabels": ["Branch"]
And the labels values that appear in Label Studio are as follow: for olive:
and for branch:
Anyone know what is causing this, or how I should scale my json file to get it to be correct? I have tried to scale all the inputs, including the original image values, into the new image size, but that did not work.
For anyone else who got stuck on this (I did), the annotation syntax is in percentages so that the max X and Y co-ordinates are 100. This is explained here: https://labelstud.io/tags/image
So, scale X coordinates by 100 / original_image.width, and Y coordinates by 100 / original_image.height.