I have query with several params, and I want to add params to query only if is not null.
Only thing I came up with create params object and conditionally add properties, but adding this for every query feels like wrong way, cause I think there is better way to handle with this My solution:
query: (category: string | null) => {
const params: { [key: string]: string } = {};
if (category !== null) params.category = category;
return {
url: "/products",
params: params,
You can write a general function that performs a Depth / Breadth First Traversal over the input object graph to modify (or copy + modify) it so that null properties are deleted or set to undefined.
I use a similar function in my code with RTK Query to perform serialization and deserialization to / from my back-end API.
EDIT: Here is a copy of my Depth First Traversal implementation for traversing a javascript object graph. It is generic and can be used for both pre- and post- traversals. I've written a number of unit tests for it in my own code and it works well.
import { isArray } from "lodash";
export const DefaultRootName = "[root]";
export interface DepthFirstTraversalOptions<TCustom = any> {
// if true (default), then the algorithm will iterate over any and all array entries
traverseArrayEntries: boolean;
// pre (default) = visit the root before the children. post = visit all the children and then the root.
order: "pre" | "post";
// If order = "pre", then this function is used to determine if the children will be visited after
// the parent node. This parameter will be ignored if order != "pre".
skipChildren?: (parent: Readonly<any>, context: Readonly<VisitContext<TCustom>>) => boolean;
// You may optionally provide a name for the root. This name will appear as the first entry within
// context.path. This doesn't effect the functionality, but it maybe helpful for debugging.
rootName?: string;
export interface VisitContext<TCustom = any> {
path: string[];
options: DepthFirstTraversalOptions;
visited: Set<any>;
visitStack: any[];
custom: TCustom;
// Clone the source node, and apply any transformations as needed.
export type VisitFunction<TCustom = any>
= (current: Readonly<any>, context: Readonly<VisitContext<TCustom>>) => void;
* Performs a Depth First Traversal over all of the objects in the graph, starting from <source>.
* Properties are not visited in any particular order.
* @param source
* @param visit
* @param options
export function depthFirstTraversal<TCustom = any>(source: any, visit: VisitFunction<TCustom>,
custom?: TCustom, options?: Partial<DepthFirstTraversalOptions<TCustom>>) {
const realOptions: DepthFirstTraversalOptions<TCustom> = {
traverseArrayEntries: true,
order: "pre",
const visited = new Set<any>([source]);
const visitStack = [source];
const path: string[] = [realOptions.rootName ?? DefaultRootName];
const ctx: VisitContext = {
options: realOptions,
__DepthFirstTraversal<TCustom>(source, visit, ctx);
// performs a depth-first traversal of the source object, visiting every property.
// First the root/source is visited and then its child properties, in no particular order.
function __DepthFirstTraversal<TCustom = any>(source: any, visit: VisitFunction<TCustom>, context: VisitContext<TCustom>) {
// assume that the context has already been updated prior to this internal call being made
if (context.options.order === "pre") {
visit(source, context);
if (context.options.skipChildren?.(source, context)) {
// check to see if the source is a primitive type. If so, we are done.
// NOTE: the source could be undefined/null.
if (Object(source) !== source) {
if (context.options.order === "post") {
visit(source, context);
if (!context.options.traverseArrayEntries && isArray(source)) {
if (context.options.order === "post") {
visit(source, context);
// visit any child nodes
Object.keys(source).forEach(field => {
const curr = source[field];
if (context.visited.has(curr)) {
// We have already traversed through it via some other reference
} if (Object(curr) === curr) {
// it is not a primitive, and this is our first time traversing to it
// register it to prevent re-iterating over the same object in the event that there
// is a loop in the object graph.
__DepthFirstTraversal(curr, visit, context);
if (context.options.order === "post") {
visit(source, context);
export default depthFirstTraversal;
If you wanted to use it to traverse an object graph and to modify all of the null properties to be undefined, then you could define a visit function like so (NOTE: This bit hasn't been tested / debugged, and may require special care for array entries):
const removeNullProperties:VisitFunction =
(current, context) => {
if(current !== null) {
// parent will be undefined if it is the root
const parent = context.visitStack.at(-2);
const field = context.path.at(-1);
parent[field] = undefined;
Alternatively, you could just delete the property like so: delete parent[field];
You can apply this with my earlier function to iterate over your input object graph (params
) like so:
depthFirstTraversal( params, removeNullProperties );