I would like do a mutableStateOf for my umpty list because I don't have items to put in yet.
fun AppScaffold(){
val navigationController = rememberNavController()
var type by remember { mutableStateOf()}
topBar = { AppBarTop() },
containerColor = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface
){paddingValues ->
navController = navigationController,
startDestination = Screens.POKEDEX.name,
modifier = Modifier.padding(paddingValues)
composable(route = Screens.POKEDEX.name){
AppContent(onClick = {
type = it
navigationController.navigate(route = Screens.DETAILS.name)
composable(route = Screens.DETAILS.name){
DetailView(type = type)
This is my main Function. I receive a Types from my AppContent View.
My data class is :
data class PokedexResults(
val list: List<Types>
data class Types(
val id: Int,
val name: String,
val image: String,
val stats: PokemonStats,
val apiTypes: List<apiTypes>
data class PokemonStats(
val HP: Int,
val attack: Int,
val defense: Int,
val special_attack: Int,
val special_defense: Int,
data class apiTypes(
val name: String,
val image: String
I tried this
var type by remember { mutableStateOf(PokedexResults().list)}
I tried to have a mutable state of because i need to change the type when another is received from my AppContent View
To create an empty List in Kotlin, you can use the emptyList()
or listOf()
var myList by remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList())} // create empty List
In your case, you could use
var type by remember { mutableStateOf(PokedexResults(emptyList()).list)}
You can also consider to provide a default value for the list parameter of the PokedexResults
data class like this:
data class PokedexResults(
val list: List<Types> = emptyList()
Then, when no list is provided, it will automatically initialize the list to an empty list.
Make sure to adapt your code to properly handle cases where the List is empty. Using the first()
function on an empty List will throw an NoSuchElementException