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Efficient way to delete/update entities in EF Core 7 by a list of conditions

I need to delete/update a given number of rows of a table.

In one I solved it like this:

  await context.MyItems
    .Where(x => itemsIds.Contains(x.Id))
    .ExecuteUpdateAsync(f => f.SetProperty(x => x.State, state));

which allows me to update the items ina given list of ids (1,2,5,7, ...)

But I am not sure how to do the same in a table where I need to filter not by a list of ids, but by a list of multiple properties:

var itemsToUpdate = new List<Identifier>(){ ....}

And identifier is

public class Identifier
    DateTime date {get;set;}
    string code {get;set;}
    string owner {get;set;}

Any idea of how to do this efficienly in EF Core? Cause I am thinking that I got not other solution but a Stored Procedure :-(

To make it clearer, original function:

public async Task UpdateItemsAsync(IList<long> Ids, ItemStatus state)
    await context.myItems
        .Where(x => Ids.Contains(x.Id))
         .ExecuteUpdateAsync(f => f.SetProperty(x => x.State, state));

New function:

public async Task UpdateItemsAsync(IList<Identifier> Ids, ItemStatus state)
   //can´t figure out how to apply filter here


  • You can use a Table Valued Parameter for this.

    First create a table type

    CREATE TYPE dbo.Identifier AS TABLE (
        date datetime(7),
        code nvarchar(100),
        owner nvarchar(100)

    On EF Core 7 and earlier, because it's a multi-column type, you can't use context.Database.SqlQuery on this, you need to add an entity to your model.


    Then you can use it like this:

    var table = new DataTable { Columns = {
        { "date", typeof(DateTime) },
        { "code", typeof(string) },
        { "owner", typeof(string) },
    foreach (var item in items)
        table.Add(, item.code, item.owner);
    // must create this part in a separate step
    var itemsTvp = context.Set<Identifier>().FromSqlRaw(
        "SELECT * FROM @tmp",
        new SqlParameter("@tmp", table) { TypeName = "dbo.Identifier", Value = table }
    await context.MyItems
        .Where(x => itemsTvp.Any(t => = && t.code == x.code && t.owner == x.owner)
        .ExecuteUpdateAsync(f => f.SetProperty(x => x.State, state));

    In EF Core 8 you don't need an entity, you can just use

    var itemsTvp = context.Database.SqlQueryRaw<Identifier>(