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What do people use for CN with inetOrgPerson in LDAP directories

I've been using givenName+" "+surname for the CN field and I woke up screaming last night 'what about John Smith'? I can imagine any large organization employing multiple people with the same name. So of course this isn't going to work. What do people use instead?

EDIT Note: in inetOrgPerson the CN is part of the DN.

EDIT Note: in this situation I am expecting to grow to hundreds of thousands of user entries.


  • In a LDAP Directory, whatever if it's OpenLDAP or Active-Directory, a rule is that a DistinguishName (DN) must be unique, independently of the attribute (or the attributes) used to constitute the Relative Distinguish Name (RDN).

    How do people make sure that it's unique :

    1. I would say that in a small business the guy who creates the entry in the directory guarantee that it's unique, first by knowledge, second by preliminary search. If a duplicate appears he finds some solutions like 'John E Smith'. Using this solution if the name changes (marriage, divorce etc.), the LDAP record has to "move" from one DN to another. It's better to avoid changing the DN of an entry whenever possible, but in a small directory it's not important.

    2. In a medium business the uniqueness is most of the time given by the employee ID coming from human resources. For example FR12345678. I saw, in big companies, people logging in with their employee ID. For the thing I describe here, it's more standart to use the uid attribute to name an object in spite of cn (but some directories don't let you choise of the naming attribute, I think it's a X500 feature).

    3. In most directories (not in AD) you can use more than one attribute to compose the RDN. For example sn=Assin+TelephoneNumber=1234 is a valid RDN in an openLDAP and it can make sense in a PBX. One more thing

    In some directories (designed for system administration) some attributes are tested by the server side as unique all over the tree. That's the case of sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName in Active-Directory and they are used for loging purpose. Using the CN attribute with "given-Name Name" oblige the administrators to guarantee uniqueness. You can use unique attribute in OpenLDAP for that in the database definition in slapd.conf, add :

    # index since the unique overlay will search for matching mail attributes
    index mail eq
    overlay unique
    unique_attributes mail

    If unique overlay is not compiled in, you'll need to recompile with :

    ./configure ... --enable-unique