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Realtime Graph in Jetpack Compose

Trying to implement a real time graph for sensor data in Jetpack Compose, but I am struggling with the correct way to pass the sensor data to the graph.

The app is receiving new sensor data over BLE every 40ms in a Kotlin class, and I would like to pass these to a custom Compose Line Chart. I tried implementing it with a Stateflow, which is then collected in the Composable to fill a list, but this is too slow:


private val _liveData = MutableStateFlow(0)
// The UI collects from this StateFlow to get its state updates
val liveData: StateFlow<Int> = _liveData

override fun onCharacteristicChanged(
    characteristic: BluetoothGattCharacteristic,
    value: ByteArray,
) {
    _liveData.value = value[0].toInt()

This part works fine and the data is set to the liveData value. But when I try to collect this from the composable e.g.:

LaunchedEffect(DataReceiver.liveData) {
        .collect {
            Log.d("BLE", "Value: " + it.value.toString())

I am missing some values, like this is not fast enough to capture all the data from the flow?

How can I improve this or what is the best way to receive these values from an event and add it to a list in a composable?


  • Based on the suggestions by @Leviathan I came up with this solution, in case anyone looks for something similar:

    override fun dataFlow() = callbackFlow<ByteArray> {
        val characteristicChangedListener = object: ICharacteristicChangedListener {
            override fun onCharacteristicChanged(
                deviceAddress: String,
                characteristic: BluetoothGattCharacteristic,
                value: ByteArray
            ) {
                val uuid = characteristic.uuid.toString().uppercase()
        awaitClose {

    Then I created a viewmodel for my graph composable and there I collect the flow and put the data in a list:

        dataList = mutableListOf()
        streamEMGJob = viewModelScope.launch {
            chartDataManager.dataFlow().collect {
                //Process the data

    Not sure if this is the best solution but it works fast enough and does not lose any datapoints