I'm trying to create a window in NASM, and I'm encountering an issue with calling CreateWindowExW. It seems to be receiving the wrong parameters.
This is the (relevant) code for window.asm
; Stack setup
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
push r12
push r13
; Variables
sub rsp, sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW)
mov r12, rsp
mov rdi, r12
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW)
rep stosb
; Set WNDCLASSEXW fields
mov r13, sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW) ; sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW) -> cbSize
mov dword [r12 + WNDCLASSEXW.cbSize], r13d
lea r13, [rel WindowProcedure] ; WindowProcedure -> lpfnWndProc
mov qword [r12 + WNDCLASSEXW.lpfnWndProc], r13
lea r13, [rel className] ; className -> lpszClassName
mov qword [r12 + WNDCLASSEXW.lpszClassName], r13
; GetModuleHandleA(NULL) -> hInstance
sub rsp, 32
xor eax, eax
call GetModuleHandleA
add rsp, 32
mov qword [r12 + WNDCLASSEXW.hInstance], rax
; RegisterClassExW
sub rsp, 32 ; Shadow space
mov rcx, r12 ; Window class structure
call RegisterClassExW
add rsp, 32 ; Clear shadow space
; CreateWindowExW
sub rsp, 80
xor ecx, ecx ; No extended styles
mov rdx, qword [r12 + WNDCLASSEXW.lpszClassName]
lea r8, [rel windowName] ; Window name
mov r9, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW ; Generic window style
mov r13, CW_USEDEFAULT ; CW_USEDEFAULT for X, Y, nWidth, nHeight
mov qword [rsp + 32 + 0], r13 ; X
mov qword [rsp + 32 + 8], r13 ; Y
mov qword [rsp + 32 + 16], r13 ; nWidth
mov qword [rsp + 32 + 24], r13 ; nHeight
mov qword [rsp + 32 + 32], rcx ; hWndParent
mov qword [rsp + 32 + 40], rcx ; hMenu
mov r13, qword [r12 + WNDCLASSEXW.hInstance]
mov qword [rsp + 32 + 48], r13 ; hInstance
mov qword [rsp + 32 + 56], rcx ; lpParam
call CreateWindowExW2
add rsp, 80
; Check window
cmp rax, 0
jne .success
sub rsp, 32
call GetLastError
add rsp, 32
mov ecx, eax
call ExitProcess
mov [rel window], rax
mov rcx, [rel window]
call ShowWindow
and this is the code for win32.inc
; kernel32
extern ExitProcess
extern GetLastError
extern GetModuleHandleA
; user32
extern CreateWindowExW
extern RegisterClassExW
extern ShowWindow
.cbSize: resd 1
.style: resd 1
.lpfnWndProc: resq 1
.cbClsExtra: resd 1
.cbWndExtra: resd 1
.hInstance: resq 1
.hIcon: resq 1
.hCursor: resq 1
.hbrBackground: resq 1
.lpszMenuName: resq 1
.lpszClassName: resq 1
.hIconSm: resq 1
%define CW_USEDEFAULT 80000000h
%define WS_CAPTION 00C00000h
%define WS_MAXIMIZEBOX 00010000h
%define WS_MINIMIZEBOX 00020000h
%define WS_OVERLAPPED 00000000h
%define WS_SYSMENU 00080000h
%define WS_THICKFRAME 00040000h
The full code is on GitHub: https://github.com/MobSlicer152/pong
I figured out what I did wrong. Basically, I thought after the four register parameters, it was the same as the X86 calling convention. However, it isn't. Integer parameters go in left-to-right order, and are padded to 8 bytes. Making this change seems to have fixed the problem I had.
However, then the function started returning NULL
, but GetLastError
would return 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS
I solved that. I realised that CreateWindow
fails if the window procedure returns false when handling the WM_NCCREATE
message, which it receives during CreateWindow
. I changed it to return true, and it succeeds now.