I used LiveCharts' HeatSeries
control to create a climate chart in my WPF application (using MVVM / Caliburn.Micro). The chart is populated in my ViewModel which is working as intended but I'm having a few issues formatting that I can't seem to resolve and both AI and their documentation haven't been helpful. I've highlighted the issues in the screenshot below.
<lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding HeatMapSeries}" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Margin="10" LegendLocation="None">
<lvc:Axis LabelFormatter="{Binding XAxisLabelFormatter}" >
<lvc:Separator Step="1" />
<lvc:Axis Labels="{Binding YAxisLabels}"/>
You can format the axis labels simply by adding font size, weight, etc properties within the label itself:
For Example:
<lvc:Axis Labels="{Binding SalesMan}" LabelsRotation="-15" FontSize="18" FontWeight="Bold">
I am not sure if there is a way to explicitly remove the gradient legend. There is a kind of hacky workaround by way of setting Margin="0,0,-17,0"
to clip the gradient map legend out of view, where 17 is about the space I want to clip. Not great, but it does work. If I find another way, I will update the answer accordingly, but for now, it seems built-in.
<lvc:CartesianChart Series="{Binding HeatMapSeries}" Margin="0,0,-17,0" Padding="10" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" LegendLocation="None">
For your formatting issues (extra space and clipping), there is probably something wrong with your grid layout. It might be a good idea to try getting rid of the chart and using some Border
Controls to get a sense for how things are laying out.
To help you get started there, here is a working example with the layout working correctly, which borrows heavily from the LiveCharts example code:
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<Button Grid.Row="0" Click="ButtonBase_OnClick" Margin="10">Randomize</Button>
<lvc:CartesianChart Grid.Row="1" DataTooltip="{x:Null}" LegendLocation="None" Margin="0,0,-17,0">
<lvc:HeatSeries Values="{Binding Values}" DataLabels="True" />
<lvc:Axis Labels="{Binding SalesMan}" LabelsRotation="-45" FontSize="18" FontWeight="Bold">
<lvc:Separator Step="1"></lvc:Separator>
<lvc:Axis Labels="{Binding Days}" FontSize="18"></lvc:Axis>
<TextBlock Text="Hello" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Background="White" />
<TextBlock Text="More stuff down here...." Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.Row="2" />