I would like to know how I can render ... (three dots) as … (ellipsis) in react-markdown. The same for --- (three dashes) as — (emdash) and opened / closed quotes "text" as “text”.
Thanks in advance.
AKX was right. The best option to fix that is with textr. Here is my code with emdash, ellipsis and quotes:
import Markdown from "react-markdown";
import remarkTextr from "remark-textr";
import {smartypants} from "../constants";
const Comp = () => {
return(<Markdown remarkPlugins={[[remarkTextr, {plugins: [smartypants]}]]}>"This is emdash ---"</Markdown>);
export default Comp;
And in other TS file (constants file, see import above):
export function smartypants(input: string) {
const ellipsisReplaced: string = input.replace(/\.\.\./g, "…");
const emDashReplaced: string = ellipsisReplaced.replace(/---/g, "—");
const curlyQuotesReplaced: string = emDashReplaced.replace(/"([^"]*)"/g, "“$1”");
return curlyQuotesReplaced;
It works like a charm!! Thanks a lot, AKX.