I am new to this and I am facing this problem I am not understanding. I am trying to create a code where I can update the data of a user in my database. Errors shown on the code block below:
using LMSC.Models;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Json;
namespace LMSC.Blazor.Services
public class UserService : IUserService
private readonly HttpClient httpClient;
public UserService(HttpClient httpClient)
this.httpClient = httpClient;
public async Task<User> AddUser(User newUser)
return await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync<User>("/api/users", newUser); //error here
public async Task<User> UpdateUser(User updatedUser)
return await httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync<User>("api/users", updatedUser); //error here
This is my UserService file that has the functions needed to do this. I drag the data from the API in my project. It works fine with getting the data but I cannot update an existing user nor create a new one. Here is my UserRepository in my API, that deals with saving information into the database or dragging it out of the DB:
using LMSC.Models;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace LMSC.API.Models
public class UserRepository : IUserRepository
private readonly AppDbContext appDbContext;
public UserRepository(AppDbContext appDbContext)
this.appDbContext = appDbContext;
public async Task<User> UpdateUser(User user)
var result = await appDbContext.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.UserID == user.UserID);
if (result == null)
result.FirstName = user.FirstName;
result.LastName = user.LastName;
result.Email = user.Email;
result.RoleID = user.RoleID;
result.DateOfBirth = user.DateOfBirth;
result.Gender = user.Gender;
result.PhotoPath = user.PhotoPath;
await appDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
return result;
return null;
public async Task<User> AddUser(User user)
var result = await appDbContext.Users.AddAsync(user);
await appDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
return result.Entity;
Here is the UserController file that checks for possible errors with try-catch method:
using LMSC.API.Models;
using LMSC.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace LMSC.API.Controllers
public class UsersController : ControllerBase
private readonly IUserRepository userRepository;
public UsersController(IUserRepository userRepository)
this.userRepository = userRepository;
public async Task<ActionResult<User>> AddUser(User user)
if (user == null)
return BadRequest();
var createdUser = await userRepository.AddUser(user);
return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetUser), new { id = createdUser.UserID }, createdUser);
catch (Exception)
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "Error retrieving data from the Database");
public async Task<ActionResult<User>> UpdateUser(User user)
var userToUpdate = await userRepository.GetUser(user.UserID);
if (userToUpdate == null)
return NotFound($"User with ID = {user.UserID} not found");
return await userRepository.UpdateUser(user);
catch (Exception)
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "Error retrieving data from the Database");
On the UserService file it constantly shows the error message "CS0029 - Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Net.HttpResponseMessage' to 'LMSC.Models.User'". I tried looking online for possible explanations and looking back on my tutorials in case I missed something but I havent found anything.
I am very new to this so it is most likely something obvious but if you would be kind enough to give me an idea on what I'm missing it would mean a lot.
Your controller is returning a HttpResponseMessage
, not a User
You need read the returned HttpResponseMessage
state and decode the contents.
public async Task<User> AddUser(User newUser)
var response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync<User>("/api/users", newUser);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<User>();
return result;
//..... Handle bad response
If you aren't already doing so read this on how to use the IHttpClientFactory
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/extensions/httpclient-factory