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How to get the formData of a very long long form

I'm currently working with a very long form in NextJS, i have known about the server action recently and trying to do something about form and mutate data with it,it just give some example about handle server action like:

  const handleCreate = async (formData: FormData) => {
    "use server";
    const rawFormData = {
      id: formData.get("id"),
    // Send rawFormData and do something ....

But the problem is when i have a very long form, how can i make the rawFormData without doing something like:

    const rawFormData = {
      id: formData.get("id"),
      name: formData.get("name"),
      address: formData.get("address"),
      gender: formData.get("gender"),
      // many many fields
      dob: formData.get("dob"),

I have tried a dummy approach by passing an array of fields in the form and doing like this

  const handleCreate = async (formData: FormData,fields: any[]) => {
    "use server";

    let rawFormData: any = {};
    fields.forEach((field: any) => (rawFormData[field] = formData.get(field)));
    // Fetch and do something ....

But it leading to another error say that NextJS does not allow to pass anything into action except formData How can i solve this problem?


  • I have try refreshing and doing something and finally find a way to do that by passing the props to the parent component and then pass it to the children like this:

    const ParentComponent = ({fields}:{field:any[]}) => {
        const handleCreate = async (formData: FormData) => {
            "use server";
            let rawFormData: any = {};
            fields.forEach((field: any) => (rawFormData[field] = formData.get(field)));
            // Fetch and do something ....