I have a table that displays the elements retrieved from an API in Jquery I would like to retrieve the IDs of the rows to add a deletion or a modification
"data" : data,
{"data" : 'numeroDossier'},
{"data" : 'nomOuRs'},
{"data" : 'tel'},
{"data" : 'province'},
data : null,
render : function()
return '<a><i class="btn fa-solid success fa-user-tag" onclick="get_assaj(\''+data.id+'\')" title ="selectionner assujetti" ></i></a><a><i class="btn fa fa-solid fa-user-pen" style="color: #B197FC" onclick="edit_assaj('+ data +')" ></i></a>';
You can use the row
parameter of the render function to access row-specific information:
render: function (data, type, row) {
const id = row.id;
For more details you can check documentation.